Archive for June, 2010

Verleih und Rückzahlung von Krediten – meine Gretchenfrage

Monday, June 28th, 2010

oder von der Luft im Geld – Update 29. Juni (siehe unten):

In einem Artikel in ZEIT online: Rund um den Kredit, Eine kurze Einführung in unser monetäres System, von Peter Bofinger, 25.6.2010, wird wie folgt argumentiert:  Read the rest of this entry »

Schweizerische Abzocker-Schutz-Partei

Sunday, June 13th, 2010

about Israel and Palestine

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

This evening Israelians and Palestinians … pro and contra, a serious discussion in the german Swiss TV.

Result: the eternal same disaster, not a slice of human understanding for the other side, only complainings about the own suffering, no ability for any smallest compromise, giving the other side the only role of bad guys …
… both groups show paranoid behaviors, harshening their Identity, developping more childish argumentations than ever … I would say, both groups are collectively insane.

Question: What means peace in Psychiatry?  Read the rest of this entry »

Rushdie says fatwa only a minor issue now

Friday, June 4th, 2010

Published on, by Associated Press, June 01, 2010.  Read the rest of this entry »