Archive for September, 2009

G20 goes global

Saturday, September 26th, 2009

Linked with G20 to act as global economy caretakers, and with Secrets of money, interest and inflation and its links.

Media write (see Global Post, Sept. 25, 2009): … The agreements appear to give rising powers such as China more clout in exchange for their commitment to help rebalance the world economy. Leaders will also announce that the G20, which includes China, Brazil, India and other fast-growing developing countries, will become the permanent council for international economic cooperation, eclipsing the Group of Eight …  Read the rest of this entry »

No Economic Recovery in Sight: More Financial Chaos Ahead

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Published on Global, by Bob Chapman, Sept 3, 2009.

The Financial elites are desperate. They are appealing the Bloomberg directive to reveal who received funding to keep from going bankrupt from the Federal Reserve.   Read the rest of this entry »

Gunther von Hagens Zürcher Leichenschau

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Die Elite rümpft wieder einmal die Nase, wie schon damals, bei von Hagens Basler Ausstellung. Schon damals redete sie von Schändung des verstorbenen Individuums, ein älterer Professor wagte sogar wortwörtlich die Behauptung, wir, die Nicht-Ärzte, das gewöhnliche Volk, würden diese Verstorbenen ja nur als Gaffer beleidigen.  Read the rest of this entry »