ECOSOC for AEHRF and the NGO world

September 29, 2009

what’s new since March 2009

Our Media Add-tool was out of work, we could no more upload pdf files. Today reparation is made and we can go on. Below what happened since:

UN’s questions on May 22, 2009: qs_22-May-2009_6969_8033

AEHRF’s answer May 27, 2009: ans_27-May-2009_6969_8088

UN’s decision June 2, 2009: note_02-June-2009_6969_8162

UN’s question June 4, 2009: qs_04-June-2009_6969_8269

UN’s reminder note Aug 3, 2009: note_03-August-2009_7270_8309

and AEHRF’s answer Aug 4, 2009: ans_04-August-2009_6969_8349

My clarification:

  • I, as President of the Geneva Office of AEHRF certify, that our NGO is totally separated from the Delhi Office, this by law, and also by finance.
  • We are an independent NGO, our work consists in editing all these blogs. We are linked with Delhi by heart, by the goal, and with our spirit. Thus we share the name by friendship, adding – for distinction – Geneva-Office to our name. But Delhi decides themselves their work, and we do same.
  • We, the Geneva Office of AEHRF DO NOT APPLY for ECOSOC. We have no exchange with this committee and will never apply. Delhi is applying since many years and we, the Geneva Office, are only showing the world this eternal story, knowing that there exist worldwide many others like this one.
  • Heidi, Geneva-Office of AEHRF, which is the only owner of all these blogs.

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